Monday 8 July 2013

Thursday 9 May 2013

Musim Imtihan :)

Musim imtihan telah tiba,
Mari berusaha sama-sama,
Kearah yang lebih berjaya,
Di dunia dan akhirat sana.

Allah Tahu yang Terbaik!

Kadang kala kita lupa
Yang kita hidup ni kerana Dia.

Kadang kala kita lupa
Yang kita buat apa-apa juga kerana Dia.

Kadang kala juga kita terlupa
Apa yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya.

Jangan merungut apa-apa
Jangan omel apa-apa

Ikhlaskan hati
Redhakan jiwa

Yakin, dengan janji Allah!
Allah Maha Kuasa <3

(¯`*•.¸♥ "Peliharalah Akhlakmu,
Kerana Ia Sumber Kecantikanmu✿ ܓ

✿ ܓPeliharalah Agamamu,
Kerana Ia Adalah Peganganmu✿ ܓ

✿ ܓPeliharalah Amalmu
Kerana ia Adalah Pakaian Ukhrawimu✿ ܓ

✿ ܓDan Peliharalah Lisanmu,
Kerana Ia Adalah Hatimu✿ ܓ

✿ ܓYang Menentukan
Baik Dan Buruk Dirimu ".♥¸.•*´¯)

Saturday 6 April 2013

Dia yang Menawan Hati :)

He who that make my heart beating fast... always make my lips smile... 

My Sweet Little Boy... 
only see your face make all my miss gone...
only see your act make my lips smile...
only hear your voice make my heart beat so fast...

That was went you say "Allahuakbar!"
Your hand always like that when we see you...
While you mouth talk something that I can't translate :)

By the ways, so hard to make he smile...
Only his Abah and Ibu just can... 
His Abah only call his full name...
When we call with the full name, it's not working!
Frust! Frust! Frust!

We only spent time less than 2 hours...
and almost 100 picture that only you we takes...
Until your Ibu says, 'Alif is dangerous!'

That was said is right.
You make someone glued to see you.
Whom is see your will always remember you.
Like me >^_^<
He always do like this.
But look sweet :)

 He so cute!
He so adorable!
He so hansome!
A important thing... He is very soleh! 

To my dear Muhammad Alif bin Zahari... 
That was success to stand without help...
May Allah bless you...
Be a good son and to future siblings... (now he the only child in his family) 
Be a good Muslim...
Be a good ummah...
 Be a good 'hamba' to Allah...
Amin :)

 > return to Allah when you can't hang on <

Friday 8 March 2013


It's real when people say, the experience was the best way to give meaning of the life.

Ia mengajar kita tentang segala rasa.  
Dengan itu, kita boleh melakukan sesuatu itu
 dengan cekap dan kemas.

But sometimes when it arrive, we feel lose...
Morever, when we have to face with diffcult's time.
We feel we don't have something to depend.

Maybe will we just say
"Enough! I just want to give up."
"Ridiculous. Why I have to bother with this?"

Please, hear me.
When this situation happen to you, 
Please... back to Him, okay?
Allah is the ONLY one that always be there for you.

Because Allah loves us :)

All what that Him give to you is 'ujian'... examination...
We have to take care of.
All this will be ask in the another world.
Padang Mahsyar.

Alif yang Soleh

Here him came again!!!

Wah!!! Miss him badly. 

Semoga Muhammad Alif sentiasa sihat dan 
selalu ada didalam lindungan Allah, amin.

Sekarang Alif sudah makin membesar, dan semakin soleh. Biarpun kita jarang berjumpa, tapi sayangnya pada Alif makin meningkat-ningat dan insyaAllah it never fall down :)

Tak tahulah nak cakap apa kalau 
diri tak jatuh hati dengan budak kecil ni.

Teringat waktu kali terakhir jumpa dengan dia, kebetulan jatuh pada minggu Maulidur Rasul. Dengar orang selawat dekat tv tu, tak pandang dah orang dekat sebelah. Mata tajam duk tengok dekat tv.

Selawat sekali dengan orang di dalam tv. 
Tapi dengan bahasa dia sendirilah.
Comel je tengok. Nak pula masa tu, kurang sihat. 
Demam sikit, tapi masih cergas.

Muhammad Alif, don't be sick, okay?

Monday 14 January 2013


Kadang-kadang dia suka buat muka gini...
blur kononnya :)

Tapi Alif nampak sweet bila senyum camni...
nampak keikhlasan dalam senyuman dia (: